















Come way, oh, human child,

to the waters and the wild

with a fairy, hand in hand,

for the world’s more full of weeping

than you can understand.

Comeaway, oh, human child,去吧人世间的孩子 wild到那溪水边和荒野中去吧 fairy,hand world'smore full weeping这世上的哭声太多

than you can understand.而你还不懂 youtry me,Ben?本,你要跟我一起唱吗

Okay.好的 forget.噢!我忘了

Bedtime. Finish up, you two 该上床了,你们俩别画啦

Dad, look selkie.爸爸你看这个海豹人

Look. Oh.-你看噢

She's singing her song 她正在唱歌

So shecan send all fairieshome across sea.这样她就可以把所有的仙女送回家

And look, look, she's turning seal.你瞧她变成了一只海豹

Do you like selkie?你总欢海豹女吗

She's beautiful.她很美

But we have babycomes.宝宝出生前我们得把这个画完

We have lots Ben.我们有的是时间,本。

But sleepnow.但你现在应该睡觉了。


Cu, good boy.小库是好孩子

Are you all right?你没事吧

I’m fine. fine.没事

Comfy? Mmm-hmm.-舒适吗,恩

Now, settle down. giveyou.现在乖乖的躺好我有东西 要给你

What it?那是什么。

This ancientshell mymother gave me longtime ago.这是一只古老 的贝壳,很久以前我妈妈给我的。

Hold yourear listencarefully.放到你耳边仔细听。

You'll hear sea.你会听到大海的声音。

I can hear sea.我可以听到大海。

Keep listening.继续听。



I can't wait come.快让宝宝出土吧我都等不及要见她了

We're going bestfriends, aren't we?我们会成为最好的朋友对吧

Of course you are.当然啦

You're going bestbig brother world.你会是世界上最好的哥哥



I'm so sorry.我很抱歉


Song Sea海洋之歌

Here, Cu, look 看这里小库

Mum used tellme story.妈妈曾经跟我讲过这个故事

It's giantMac Lir hisdogs.关于巨人麦克.利尔和他的狗狗们的故事

They're best friends, like us.他们是好朋友就像你和我

Cu, don't go too close

Forsomeone who hasn't learned how talk,对于一个还不会说话的人来说

you reallyloud.你真是太吵了

Oh, Come, Saoirsel 别吵啦西尔莎

Why don't you go down 为什么你到下而去

-and play somerocks, something?玩会儿石头或者其他的

Hey, Cu, GreatSeanachai.嗨!小库我正在画 Great Seanachai

He has loads hair,like you.他的尖发特别多就像你一样


Dad said charge爸爸说让我说了 water.可我都已经说了不下水

It's dangerous.水里太危险了

I can't.我做不到

Cu, can't!小库我做不到

Whoa, whoa, whoa



Whoa,whoa, whoa lookingafter you anymore.够了,我再也不要照看你了

You nearly got me killed.你差点害死我

Come out, yourhands up!过来,手举起来

Don't turn around, keep going.不许转身一直走

Dad, she went water爸爸她跑到水里去了

and nearly got me killed !点害得我淹死

Just because herbirthday,就因为今大是她的生日

she thinks she can do whatever she likes.她就以为她可以为所欲为

You'd better give time这一次你一定得好好处罚她

cause mindingher anymore.因为我再也不要照看她了


What? youplaying cops robbers?什么你们再玩警察和强盗的游戏

Are you going giveout her?你会处罚她的吧

Ah! Here's birthdaygirl.噢我们的小寿星在这里

Come up here me.过来让我抱抱

You were under arrest, were you?你被繁察逮捕 了,是不是


Are you here birthdayparty lighthousetoday?你是来参加今天的 生日晚会的吗

Young Saoirse 岁了,对吗

Well, you old witch.你个老巫婆

Ugh! Granny.奶奶

She's going makeus 她肯定又要劝说我们

move cityagain, isn't she?让我们搬到城里去对吧

1 don't know how you can live awfulplace.我都不晓得你们怎么能生活在 如此糟糕的一个地方

You children state.孩子们也个个都乱七八糟的

Is yourbirthday outfit?那个就是你的生日礼服吗

Haven't you learnt speakyet?你还没有学会说话叫

The doctors said she herown time.医生说到时候了自然就会说


Thechild can't dressedlike herbirthday.孩子过生日时可不能穿成 那个样子

It's disgrace!简直是太丢脸了

Put on.把这个穿上

Little girls only turn six once.每个小女孩的六岁都只有一次

And properlydressed.所以一定要穿者很得体

Now, isn't lovely?看看漂亮吗

Don't move now, until callyou.别动除非我叫你动

No, mine!不,那个是我的

Mum gave you!是妈妈留给我的不是给你的


She'sstealing from me again.她又偷我来西了

She's nothing dirtystealer 她就是个恶心的小偷

I don't want hearit.不许说那种话


Yourgranny wants you downstairs.你奶奶叫你到楼下去

Now, Saoirse,try some mynettle tea gooseberrybuns there.西尔莎尝尝 我的荨麻茶和鹅莓面包

Very good voice.会对你的声带很有用

It might cure you.说不定能把你治好

Now, everybody ready blowout candles,eh?来大家准备好让

Iwant day.我要用镜头记录下来我们今天的心情

One big, happy family.我们是一个快乐的大家庭

Smile three.数一二三,然后说茄子



Youlittle terror!你个小捣蛋鬼

Ben! Believeme, life dog,Cu.相位我小库,做人还不如做狗狗!

Stupid Saoirse, stupid birthdays.讨厌的西尔莎,讨厌的生日

You'll always mybest friend.你永远是我最好的朋友

The kids bed.孩子们上床了

I'm just heading over Dan.我要和丹去趟陆地

You're better off thinkingabout night,you know.你不要老想着那天晚

Heranniversary justonce year,Mum.她的祭日每屯只有一次妈妈

What do you want?你想干嘛

You want story?你想听故事

Hmm. Okay, I'll tell you story.好吧,我给你讲个故事

Did you ever hear OwlWitch?你有没有听说过猫头鹰女巫玛莎

Well, she's evil.她是个魔鬼

You know islandout sea?你知道远处那个小岛吗

It's called Mac Ur.小岛的名字叫麦克.利尔

It's called hugegiant.它有名 字是因为它并不真的是小岛,它是一个巨人

Macha's owls took all giant'sfeelings turnedhim stone.玛莎的猫头鹰掠走了巨人的所有知觉,把他变成了石头

And do you know it?你知道最糟糕的部分是什么叫

She hismother!玛莎就是那个巨人的母亲

He herfirst victim shehasn't stopped since.他是他母亲的第一个受害 者,从此她便没有再停手

To day,all comeout Halloweennight 一直 到今天精灵们都不敢在万圣节之夜外出

because do,Macha's owls findthem 因为一旦它们外出,就会被玛莎 的猫尖鹰发现

and take turnthem Halloween.明天就是万圣节了

Macha's owls might even come here 玛莎的猫头鹰有可能会来这里

and take Dad's feelings turnhim stone!带走爸爸的感情,然后把爸爸变成石头

And nobodywould love you.那样就再也没有人会爱你了

And whatMacha looks like.玛莎看上去就像这样

Saoirse, justone Mum'sstories.西尔莎那只是妈妈的一个故事而已

It's real.又不是真的


Oh, my gosh. Oh, mygood...噢! 我的天哪,天哪

This laststraw now.我的忍耐已经到极限了

I'll haveany more wildcarry-on.我再也不要管这种事了

No more it!再也不要

Now look, you've caught cold.你看看都冻感胃了

Did you know she up?你知道她起来了吗

Wha... What's wrong?-什么,怎么了

I found her washed up 午夜我出去到海边

on night正好发现她被冲上了岸

She's awfulplace.她待在这种地方太不安全了

I know what's best. Hold second,Mum.-我知道她成该待在哪里等等妈妈

No, you hold Wherewere you?你别走告诉我你去哪儿了

0ff oldfool children,Conor,这地方不适合孩子们,康纳

this family.这地方不适合生活

That's now.该结束这种日子了

I need takemy medicine.我得去吃药了

Oh, Saoirse.噢,西尔莎

Dad, where did she get this?爸爸这是她从哪儿拿的

Give me that.把那个给我

I can't lose her, too, Bronach.我不能再失去她,布罗娜

Stubborn boy.你个倔孩子

I'm going.You can't make me.我不跟你走你不能强迫我

I know what's best you.我知道什么祥的生活对你最好

So, you'd better stop nonsense所以,别在做这些无意义的抗拒了

at once dowhat you're told.让你怎么做,你就怎么做

It's fair.Please, leastlet me take Cu.这太不公平了 至少得让我带着小

Idon't want go!我不想去

Be quiet, Ben.闭嘴本

Get stopall carry-on.进去车里别再挣扎了

Dad! Dad, tell her won'tgo.爸爸告诉她我不要走

Please, Dad? you.求求你爸爸我要和你住在一起


No, Dad, Saoirse’sfault, mine.不,爸爸,不要!都是西尔莎的错,不关我的事

Why do go?Don't make me go!为什么我一定要走,不要赶我走

Let me out! Stop you?-快让我出去别闹了,本!听到了吗?


Stayaway from water,you'll drown.离水远一点不然你会淹死的

I’ll come back promise.我会回来找你的,我保证

What's you,Ben?你怎么了,本

Granny wouldn't let Cu come us.奶奶不让小库跟我们一起走

Ah, oldwitch.噢,那个老巫婆

Would you look that?你看到那个了吗

Look, Ben, seals. 快看本海豹

There haven't been seals around here years.这里已经有很多年见不到海豹了

Ben, myhouse.本在我的车里不许 哭在我家也不可以

Do you hear me, Ben?听到了,没存本

The city Cu'ssize.城里不适合养像小库那么大的狗

He'd only whiningthere.它待在城里只会整大呜咽叫唤

You wouldn't want himnow, would you?你也不希望他那样对不对

You city,Ben, knowyou will.你会喜欢住在城市里的, 本,我相信你一定会的

Oh, isn't song.很好听吧?我喜欢这首歌

Our bathroom's upstairs, dear.厕所在楼上亲爱的

Don't use goodtowels, they're only guests.不要用那些好毛巾,那是给客人用的



My best coat.那可是我最好的外套

It's even4:00.都还不到四点

No-one goes time.没人会这个点儿上床

Look completelyruined.瞧这个,完全毁掉了

Goodness gracious, have goto?我的大哪,他们难道无家可归吗


It's safe.这可不安全

What the…这是…

Are you selkie?你们是海豹女吗

Get out you?别待在那里边

Little devils, go you.你们这些小恶魔快点出去

Go, before police!快点不然我可就报警了

Quick, get coat.快拿上外套

The selkie coat.海豹女外套

I'm coming getyou, Cu.我来找你了

Wouldyou say her?你说那个可能是她吗

Could Come.可能是。快走

What do you think you're doing?你到底想干什么

No. goinghome Cu.不,我要回家和小库待在一起

You're going Granny's.你要去跟奶奶住在一起

1 said no!我说了不行


Right, it.那好吧

You can only come youobey my orders alltimes.你要无时不刻绝 对听我的,你才能跟着我

I'm rule.我是老大,一切由我说了算

lf you put one step out dothis…如果你不听话,我就会这样做

Hey! You stealer, mine.Give back.喂你个小偷那是我的还给

Ew!You're so disgusting.咿,你好恶心呀

Okay, you can keep now,好吧,你可以先拿者

but you'd better clean whenwe get home.但等我们回家后,你最好把你的口水弄 干净

Hey. Excuse me?喂麻烦您一下

Maybe busdriver could tell us.也许巴!:司机可以告诉我们


Look Saoirse.你瞧这个西尔莎

Holy moly!我的天呀

Quick, Saoirse, help me catch it!西尔莎,帮我捉住它

We've found her, Lug, we've found her. last!我们找到她了,卢格,我们终于找到她了

Don't worry, selkie, we have your coat. Huh?别担心,海豹女,我们拿来了你 的外套

Come us.Quick, lads, get fort.跟我们走,快点伙伴们,要赶在猫头鹰发现我们之前。

Before owlsspot us.把海豹女带回堡全

Wait! No!等等不

Wait! 等等

Where wegoing?我们要去哪儿



Whoal Whoal

Lads,what night.伙伴们多么美好的一个夜晚呀

Not only did we find selkiecoat,我们不仅仅找到了海豹女的外套

but we found selkieherself.我们还找到了海豹女本人

Hooray !万岁

Yoo-hoo! 哈哈

Now, before selkiesings her song sendus home,那么在海豹女开始唱歌 送我们回家之前

we should entertain her ourown tunes.我们应该给她唱几首我们自

So,lads, your choice. Who'll get us started.来吧伙伴们谁来给大家领唱

Here, Lug?卢格

I’ll sing.我来

No, Spud, we want moodup 不斯伯特,我们要在大事开始前

before mainevent.调动一下大家都情绪

Isn't right,selkie?对不对海豹女

I’ll do my best, promise.我会尽力而为,我保证

Give Mossy gofirst, you?Yoo!先让莫西试试好不好

The selkie song bright(以下的唱歌部分)

To waken all who follow

Manannan TirNa Nog follow

Do-la-mon, a-pena pwee Do-la-mon, manuela

Do-la-mon, a-paricka

Par-a-fee a-nerin

Lovely job, Mossy!太棒了,莫西

Do you hear lad'stune?你听到小伙伴们的旋律了吧


Right, who's next?下一个谁来

Here, Lug, here. I'll sing.卢格,我来唱

Oh. Go

Tellus your name, selkie.告诉我们你叫什么名字,海豹女

So we can sing youradventure.然后我们可以吟唱一下你的奇遇

Her name's


Saoirse day

The day shewho rescued her celebrate

Oh, do-la-mon, a-pena pwee Do-la-mon, manuela


Wait! I've forgotten lastverse.等等我忘了 最后一节怎么唱了

How did managethat?我怎么会这样呢

Long, long we prayed selkiesong

And now we pray again hersong neverend

Ha-ha Yoo!哈哈对对对

That's Whichone youhad it?就是这样!是谁唱的

Never mind. Keep crackgoing, lads.算了 继续唱吧伙伴们

Do-la mon la faricka faralee a-nerin

Now, lads, what you've all been waiting for.现在伙伴们我们等了那么久的时 刻终子来临了

Time singher lovely song.是时候让海豹女唱她的歌了

You'll freesoon, lads!我们马上就要自由了,伙伴们

The selkie song sendus all home.海豹女的歌会送我们回家

Wait, wait, you?等等等一下

Come, now, selkie, sing 来吧海豹女唱吧

Does she know words?她知道那些词吗

Give her chance,give her you?让她试一试,让她试试

Her coat.噢,她的外套

1 almost forgot.我差点忘了

Aren't someeejit?我就跟个白痴似的

How singwithout her coat?她不穿上她的外套怎么 能够唱歌呢

What's wrong? don'tthink rightcoat.-怎么 我觉得这可能不是那件外套

0h, no.不会吧

She can't sing. She can't even talk.她唱不了歌她甚至连话都不会说话

A human child!—个人类的小孩

You're gaveme lastverse.刚才那歌是你唱的吧

Yeah, my mother used singit.对我妈妈以前唱过

She said fairysong.她说那是一首精灵之歌

That'd right.没错

So wouldmake you...所以那会让你...

We prefer callourselves…我们喜欢把我们己称为

The Other Crowd.另一种人

The Good Names. Deenashee

1 can't believe Deenashee

That's what Mum called fairies.妈妈以前把精灵就叫做"TheDeenashee"

You're actually real, juststories.你们居然是真实存在的,并不是神话故事

Human child, do you know where selkie'scoat is?人类的小孩你知道海豹女的 外套在哪儿吗

Her real coat.她真正的外套

Yes, my father took ourlighthouse.我知道我爸爸把它收在我们的灯塔

Doyou hear lads?We saved!你们听到了伙伴们我们有救了


Daggersout! Protect selkie.拿武器!保护海豹女

Get awayl 走开


Get back! 回来


Theselkie! No!海豹女

They'regoing selkie!它们是来抓海豹女的


Human child, find selkie'strue coat,人炎的小孩一定要找到海豹女的外套

then she can sing saveus all.然后让她唱那首歌,我们就会得救

Quickly, human child, before owlsreturn.趁着猫火腾还未回来,快跑吧人 类的小孩

That pipe seeyou outsideworld. Go!沿着管道你们就可以走到外边了 快走

I'd like singsome more.我想再唱儿首歌

Ah. Go

Do-la-mon,a-pena pwee, Do-la-mon...

There's bus.有辆巴士

Quick, Saoirse.快点西尔莎

1 just saw real fairies.我刚刚有看见真止的精灵

Course you did. Sure, haven't beenferrying 你当然有看见过我的牟已经拉过..

a lot goblinsaround.各种各样的女巫和妖精了

Where yougoing?你们要去哪儿

Can you take us there?你可以带我们去这里吗

Uh... Well, let me see now…拿过来我看看

I can take you Clonmellon.我可以带你们到Clonmellon

You might have twohours,然后你们可能得在那里等上一两个小

thenget feederbus, onlyruns mornings.搭另一个支线巴,不过那趟车只有每天早晨发车

Ah, sure. You know, you'll get eventually.当然你们最终会到达那里的

0kay, two tickets,

Thosestories Mumtold me, they're all true.妈妈以前跟我讲过的那些故事居 然都是真事儿

Are you really a...你真的是一个...


Oh, genie mackerel.噢,鲍色精灵

What youdoing? We're bus!你要干嘛!我们在巴士上呢

I'm getting us home.我们要坐车回家

You should've said youwanted getoff bus!你们如果要下车,应该提前告诉我

This officialstop, you know.这里并不是止式的停靠点

Bleedin' trick treaters.纯粹是搞乱

Great, just great. Now what do we do?好了 现在我们怎么办

Oh, right, let's follow magicallights.嗅对我们要跟着那些神奇的亮光走

That's much safer than being bus.那可是比待在巴士上安全多了

Some fairies这其中有些试题可能是精灵

turned stone,like roundabout.变成的就像环岛那里的那些

There he is.还真是

Stop. Those lights drew fairies别吹了那些亮光能把精灵引来

to us owls,too.可能也会把猫头鹰引来

Don't play shellanymore, toodangerous.别再吹那个贝壳了 太危险了

I can get us home using my ma. 我可以用我的地图把我们带回家